How to Launch a Personal Brand with 5 Steps in 2021


In certain ways, a personal brand is akin to a corporate brand. It is who you are, what you stand for, the ideals that you support, and the way those values are presented. Just as the name of a business aims to express its importance to consumers and stand out from the market, a personal brand does the same for people, helping to convey to prospective employers or customers a distinctive personality and strong value.

When it comes to building a professional profile and legacy, the value of a personal brand is undeniable. In all your moves, you need a strong branding strategy and continuity. You must accept your strengths and weaknesses and contribute to continuous learning before you start. Building a personal identity will help you achieve your goals, whether you're looking for a new position, looking for a raise, considering changing occupations, or expanding your network.

1. Focus on your target audience

Trying to cater to everybody is one of the greatest mistakes you can make when you create a personal brand. Not everyone is your ideal audience. You must be able to repel others for whom you do not wish to work to retain and attract your ideal customers. This ensures that a particular target demographic is established and a brand that is appealing to them is created. It might sound counterintuitive, but you can draw no one if you want to be loved by all.

In order to stand out, you have to be polarizing. Not everyone who is introduced to you or sees your message is going to like you or agree with you, and that's all right. Not everyone is for you and that’s a reality. You only need to reach out and attract your dream customers.

Creating your ideal customer profile is a beneficial practice that I will recommend with all my heart. The more you learn about your ideal customer profile (demographics and psychographic), including their expectations, goals, and challenges, the more qualified you are to provide the goods and services that they would need, want, and desire.

If you speak to everyone, you’re essentially speaking to no one.

2. Build Your Online Presence

Many individuals begin and end up with good social media that does not exploit other digital platforms. Almost always, the most popular personal brands will have their own website, with a podcast or blog. This is the domain of all your intellectual property and is the center of gravity of your brand.

A personal website may be created both in popularity and impact as your network keeps growing, often with the aid of professionals. It will also help you to build a followers' email subscription list that maximizes your power and reach, combined with social media.

You should have your profiles set up on at least 3-4 social media platforms- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc. Or on the platforms where your ideal audience is already hanging out. Think of creative ways to set yourself and your brand apart from the ocean of SAME-NESS.

3. Write Blog Posts consistently

When creating a personal brand, blogging is a very powerful weapon, only if you use it the right and smart way. It’s one of the most organic ways to rank well on Google and is placed highly on the organic marketing strategy list. You're well on the way to creating a lasting personal identity if you have followers who may turn into paying clients. Many of the best tactics to obtain supporters include:

·      Writing about and getting influencers to share the content

·      Use buttons for social networking on your blog

·      Joining different groups online

·      Repurposing the material

Dream of what anyone could be looking for, where it will be a godsend to meet you.

Use free tools such as Google trends, Answerthepublic, Ubersuggest, etc. to help you gain more understanding about the questions which your ideal audience is already searching for online. And use them as a starting point to create material for your blog or website to make it easy to search.

Alternatively, explore hot button topics in your industry, and use them as inspiration for your blog topics. Your fresh SEO material will make sure search engines pick up your hard and smart work.

Keep your posts consistent and the language as engaging as you can. You can write your own blogs or writers for the job.

4. Embrace your network

It's important to network frequently to expand your professional circle while you cultivate your ideal personal brand. You should form connections by attending formal and informal networking gatherings with colleagues and business leaders.

The more associations you make, and the more meaning you will have in your relationships, the more possible it would be to remember your personal brand. And, given that 85% of all positions are filled by networking, attending these activities on a regular basis would not only allow you to develop your brand but can theoretically advance your career.

Do not be nervous about inviting fellow guests to come again for an insightful interview or a friendly coffee talk at these gatherings. If you never put yourself out there, it is hard to master branding yourself. The more you connect with individuals, the greater your network becomes. Although you may be inclined to stick to a network based on a specialty, spreading into other categories is the best thing to do. When you find someone who gives a new viewpoint or whose experience is in a field that you will like to know more about down the line, you can never know.

Consider FB & LinkedIn Groups as good and fertile starting grounds.


Without human contact, personal brands can't be created. Eventually, many influencers hit a stage where they communicate with their followers a little less. But you probably want to respond to messages from your followers if you're just beginning your self-branding.

Taking the time to connect on social media with your fans and day is a crucial step in building a good bond. People want answers immediately. Humanizing your personal brand is necessary. In both the online and written correspondence, capitalize on the qualities and technical image you are seeking to promote and keep a clear message.

Decide what stories you will share about your career and your experiences, as part of your brand. Make sure you understand how the overall brand experience applies to both of these tales. Think of these stories about your own brand as case studies or usage cases. These stories will help you craft your own personal and professional identity, whether you are searching for a new job or creating thought leadership.

The method of introducing a personal brand is easy to get confused by. There are so many places to cover that you do not even realize where to begin. But it gets a lot more manageable as you break it down step by step and tick off one thing at a time. If you gain some initial traction, picking up some pace becomes a lot easier. And if you actually get to the stage that you have created a genuine personal brand, it will be absolutely worth the new opportunities that come your way.

‘Til my next post, BOSS!

All my best,
